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Proofreading means reading your document to improve correctness and flow by addressing grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, and spelling issues.


  • Is usually the final step in the writing process
  • Comes after you have addressed larger matters related to style, content development, organization, and citations
  • Can be tedious, but is worthwhile to ensure that your reader is not distracted or confused
  • Is something that all writers need to do; nobody writes a perfect draft the first time

Proofreading Strategies

Click on these cards to learn about proofreading strategies you can use.

Tools to Support Proofreading

Microsoft Editor

Within Microsoft Word, use the Microsoft Editor to receive suggestions related to grammar, spelling, and more.

Learn More About Microsoft Editor


Use Grammarly anywhere you write to receive suggestions about grammar and writing style.

Learn More About Grammarly

Grammar and spelling tools are helpful, but they have limitations. These tools may miss errors or inadvertently make suggestions that change the meaning of your sentence. If you use one of these tools, also review your writing manually to ensure that your intended meaning and voice remain.



Proofreading is not just about errors.

  • Focus on polishing your sentences to make them smooth, interesting, and clear.
  • Pay attention to the rhythm of your writing; try to use sentences of varying lengths and patterns.
  • Eliminate unnecessary phrases and repetition.

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